FAQs (AY 2021-2022)

For Faculty Requesting AccommodationsFor Faculty Regarding ClassroomsFor Reappointment, Promotion, and Tenure (RPT) Extension

FAQs for Faculty Requesting Accommodations During COVID-19 Pandemic

I am immunocompromised or I have a family member who is immunocompromised, may I choose to work remotely?
Faculty may request an accommodation and get prior approval to make changes in course format for the duration of the semester. The process in place directs faculty to bring their health-related concerns, whether their own or their family member’s, to Cindy Edwards in Human Resources (and copy the department chair). If further consideration is needed beyond ADA concerns, then Cindy Edwards will consult with the associate provost for academic budget and personnel and the department chair to consider options. If an accommodation is approved, then the department chair (in collaboration with their dean) will work with the faculty member to make appropriate accommodations. Faculty do not have the authority to make course format changes informally and must adhere to this process.

My school-age child is required to quarantine due to COVID-19 exposure. May I convert my course to an online mode during the duration of quarantine?
In most cases, yes. However, the faculty member should coordinate any changes to course instruction with the department chair.

I am awaiting COVID test results following known exposure and am currently asymptomatic. May I convert my course to an online mode during the duration of quarantine?
In most cases, yes. However, the faculty member should coordinate any changes to course instruction with the department chair.

My child’s K-12 school has shifted from face-to-face to online learning. May I convert my course to an online mode during the duration of the K-12 shift to online learning?
It depends. In this case of a longer-term accommodation, the department chair must evaluate the best approach for teaching the course and may consider using a substitute instructor. The faculty member should consult directly with the department chair. The department chair also may consult with the associate provost for academic budget and personnel to consider options.

There is a COVID outbreak in my class and many of my students need to quarantine. May I convert my course to remote instruction for the duration of the quarantine?
In this case, the faculty member and the department chair should cooperate with instructions given by the Office Emergency Management and the contact tracing team. If multiple students in your class are diagnosed with COVID-19 or identified as close contacts by the University’s contact tracing team, you will receive specific instructions from the contact tracing team or the Office of Emergency Management. It is important to remember that being in a class with someone does not automatically mean you are a close contact. Additionally, it is important to also note that the majority of our students — well more than 70% — are vaccinated; and to date no COVID cases have been traced to classroom contact. You can find the latest vaccination rates on the COVID-19 dashboard at emergency.charlottewp.psapp.dev. More information on quarantine and isolation protocols is available: https://ninernationcares.charlottewp.psapp.dev/health-safety/quarantine-and-isolation.

If a faculty member is informed not to come to campus (quarantine), or has to care for a child who is under quarantine, how should they handle any face-to-face component of their classes?
Faculty should follow a similar procedure as in the past with illness or a short-term situation, and outlined in the faculty illness policy, if they unable to teach in person:

  • Notify their department chair immediately.
  • Notify students that classes will be taught remotely.
  • Proceed with COVID-19 testing as directed.
  • Continue teaching remotely until cleared to return to campus.
  • Notify students when face-to-face classes will resume.

If a faculty member who is teaching a class with a face-to-face component tests positive for COVID (either symptomatic or asymptomatic) and must isolate, how should they handle their classes?
If the faculty member wishes to continue teaching during this time through remote instruction, they must first notify their department chair and then communicate the temporary change with their students.

If a faculty member needs a substitute instructor, then they should:

  • Notify their department chair of the need for another instructor for the class.
  • Provide Canvas access (including grading) to their department chair and/or substitute instructor.
  • Return to campus only when cleared to do so.

What should department chairs do to cover the classes of COVID-positive faculty members who have face-to-face classes?
COVID-positive faculty members (either symptomatic or asymptomatic) are required to isolate for 10 days. If the faculty member requires a substitute instructor, then the department chair should notify students of any interruption in instruction, of the change in instructor, and that they may be contacted regarding contact tracing and should comply with the required protocols. If the faculty member requests to teach remotely during this time, then the department chair must share this information with the college dean for reporting purposes. If other options are needed for covering course instruction during this time, then the department chair should consult with the Associate Provost for Budget and Personnel.

What should faculty members who teach remotely do if they become ill with COVID?
Faculty should:

  • Notify their department chair to discuss options.
  • Provide Canvas access (including grading) to their department chair and/or substitute instructor.
  • Return to their duties only when cleared to do so.

The department chair should notify students of any interruption in instruction and of the change in instructor. The department chair must share this information with the college dean for reporting purposes.

FAQs for Faculty Regarding Classrooms During COVID-19 Pandemic

Will classrooms be at full capacity this year?
Yes, classrooms will be at full capacity.

If a student requests to learn remotely for my face-to-face class, am I required to offer different delivery formats?
No. Students who enroll in face-to-face classes are expected to participate in person — just as they were before the pandemic. Students who believe they need disability accommodations in their face-to-face classes should contact the Office of Disability Services at 704‑687‑0040 or disability@uncc.edu.

Can I change the delivery method of my course from how it was originally scheduled?
Students have the expectation that classes will continue as they were listed when they registered. This is our commitment to students. Faculty require prior approval to make changes in course format. The process in place directs faculty to bring their health-related concerns, whether their own or their family member’s, to Cindy Edwards in Human Resources (and copy the department chair). If further consideration is needed beyond ADA concerns, then Cindy Edwards will consult with the Associate Provost for Academic Budget and Personnel and the department chair to consider options. If an accommodation is approved, then the department chair (in collaboration with their dean) will work with the faculty member to make appropriate accommodations. Faculty do not have the authority to make course format changes informally and must adhere to this process.

Will pass/no credit be an option for the 2021-22 academic year?
No. More information can be found in the grading policy for Fall 2021.

What should faculty do if a student tells them that they have tested positive for COVID?
Faculty should advise the student to complete the daily Niner Health Check and state that they have symptoms and/or have tested positive. This starts the University’s procedure related to isolation, quarantine and contact tracing. Faculty members should not cancel their class or change the course delivery unless instructed to do so by contact tracers or Emergency Management. Faculty members should not share a student’s health diagnosis with others, as this could lead to unnecessary voluntary isolation. Notification is the sole job of the contact tracing team, not faculty members. Faculty members should work with the student to complete course requirements remotely while the student is in isolation or quarantine (see Attendance Policy). Contact tracers will contact faculty and other students in the class if it is determined they are close contacts of a COVID-19-positive individual. It is important to note that just because you have been in a classroom with someone does not mean you are necessarily at risk of being a close contact (scroll to see COVID-19 FAQs). The process is dependent on several factors, including the speed at which a student can be contacted and interviewed and the number of close contacts the individual has. However, the contact tracing process is typically complete within 24 hours. The student will provide their instructor with documentation from the University when they are released from isolation or quarantine. More details are available on Niner Nation Cares. Also see information about Isolation and Quarantine.

Does the University require that students be vaccinated for COVID-19 to participate in study abroad programs?
Currently, based on directives from the UNC System Office, UNC Charlotte and its program administrators do not require COVID-19 vaccination for any university programs, including study abroad. However, certain study abroad programs may require attendance at host sites or venues that require proof of COVID-19 vaccination or use transportation services to access those sites or venues that require proof of COVID-19 vaccination. In addition, some host countries may require COVID vaccination for entry. If a student does not meet the host site or host country vaccination requirements, they should seek another program on which they are able to participate fully.

Will the University provide clear communicator masks for use in the classroom?
Currently, Emergency Management is only endorsing the use of these clear, plastic masks for specific disability or impairment needs. If needed, students should request these masks through the Dean of Students Office and faculty and staff, through Human Resources. In other cases, faculty should go through their departments.

Can face shields be used instead of face masks?
No, the CDC does not recommend the wearing of face shields instead of face masks. Please visit the CDC website for more information.

Can I request others wear a face covering in my personal workspace?
Yes. You are free to request that others wear a face covering if they are entering your personal office or workspace. You should work directly with your supervisor to find resolution on any questions about shared workspaces.

How can faculty enforce face covering requirements in the classroom?
If a student comes into class without a face covering, ask them to put one on and provide one if necessary. If a student refuses, ask them to leave and return when they are adhering to guidelines. If a student refuses to leave a classroom or lab after being dismissed, the faculty member can dismiss or temporarily adjourn the class to ensure a safe learning environment. Faculty should submit an incident report for referral to the Office of Student Accountability and Conflict Resolution. If things do escalate to this point, class should be dismissed, at least temporarily, because of the safety implications. Faculty have some choices from there:

  • They can assign asynchronous work in lieu of the missed class time.
  • They can ask class to reconvene a few minutes later in an attempt to speak some sense into the offending student and/or seek assistance from PPS.
  • In any event, an incident report should be submitted to ensure the student is appropriately disciplined.

If faculty want to make clear on the syllabus or Canvas page that this is a possibility, they can choose to use the following language: “It is the current policy of UNC Charlotte that as a condition of on-campus enrollment, all students are required to engage in safe behaviors to avoid the spread of COVID-19 in the 49er community. Such behaviors specifically include the requirement that all students properly wear CDC-compliant face coverings in all indoor spaces on campus, including classrooms and labs, regardless of vaccination status. Failure to comply with this policy in the classroom or lab may result in dismissal from the current class session. If the student refuses to leave the classroom or lab after being dismissed, the student may be referred to the Office of Student Conduct and Academic Integrity for charges under the Code of Student Responsibility. Because refusal to wear a mask threatens the health of other students, I may additionally adjourn class temporarily or for the remainder of the class period to ensure a safe learning environment.”

During the pandemic, are instructors required to record lectures or maintain hybrid instruction?

There is no requirement for instructors to record their lectures or to shift to hybrid instruction. However, faculty members are encouraged to make reasonable accommodations, including recording their lectures. Many instructors are making recorded lectures available to students to ensure instructional continuity during a time when many students are asked to isolate due to COVID symptoms. AISLE can provide guidance to instructors who wish to record lectures.

FAQs for Faculty Regarding Reappointment, Promotion, and Tenure (RPT) Extension

Is there a deadline to decline the extension, if desired?
Faculty members should follow their college’s guidelines for preparation of a dossier.

If a faculty member that is scheduled for tenure review is unable to identify external reviewers during this time, can they request the extension?
All faculty scheduled for review in 2020-21 have an extension. There is no need to request one.

If a faculty member chooses the extension for their 3rd year review, does this move their timeline for tenure submission back one year as well?
Yes, this does not change the amount of time allowed between reappointment and candidacy for promotion.

Can an assistant professor go ahead with their normally scheduled reappointment review, but then extend the schedule for their promotion and tenure review by one year?
No, this would constitute opting out of the tenure clock delay.

Can an assistant professor extend their reappointment review, but then go ahead with a non-extended schedule for promotion and tenure?

An assistant professor received a one-year extension to review for tenure for a reason unrelated to COVID-19, can this assistant professor receive the COVID-19 extension as well?

Are there modifications for the associated deadlines for non tenure-track faculty?
Review processes and schedules for non tenure-track faculty are handled at the college. Please consult with your dean.

If a faculty member declines the extension, proceeds in 2020-21, and the case does not go well, can they decide while the case is under review that they would like the extension after all?
Faculty members should weigh the potential consequences of opting out of the one-year delay and consult with their department chairs about their readiness for promotion and tenure. Faculty who are denied tenure receive a notice that their employment ends in one year.

To whom did the extension apply?
While we assumed that the greatest impact would be felt by faculty scheduled for mandatory review in 2020-21, all faculty who were at the University in Spring 2020 were given the option for an extension regardless of where they were in their progress toward RPT.

How should reviewers evaluate faculty productivity in light of the COVID tenure clock extension?
Faculty work should be evaluated based on the quality and impact of the contributions with the understanding that the extension was granted because events disrupted productivity.

Can faculty request additional extensions of the tenure clock?
Yes. It is clear that some faculty faced and continue to face greater challenges than others. We have had a long-standing practice of responding to faculty needs for extensions of the tenure clock. Extensions are automatic for FMLA and are considered for other compelling reasons. Faculty needing additional accommodation for COVID-related disruptions in 2021-22 should request an extension from the provost through their department chair and dean, explaining the rationale for an additional year (e.g., loss of access to research resources).

Can a faculty member who delayed a decision on reappointment be considered for promotion and tenure on their original schedule?

Can faculty withdraw their dossiers from consideration in 2021-22?
In cases in which faculty are exercising their COVID-related extension during 2021-22, faculty who have started the RPT process may withdraw from RPT consideration without penalty no later than three (3) days following the department chair’s review.