Sharing Resources Following Yesterday’s News

In light of the tragic shooting at Chapel Hill yesterday, I want to make sure you know you are cared for as we all process the sad and senseless loss of a fellow faculty member. I also want to remind you about available resources should you have concerns about students who may require additional support.
The University’s Threat Assessment and Management Office is responsible for investigating any concerns related to current or former students and employees – or other members of the campus community.
If you have a student who is exhibiting signs they may be in need of assistance, you should submit a concern form. If you feel there is an imminent threat to yourself, your students or to others, please contact Police and Public Safety at 704-687-2200 or via the LiveSafe app . If you are off campus and need immediate assistance, call 911.
The safety of our faculty, students and staff is our absolute top priority. Please never hesitate to reach out if you suspect someone is in need of help.
Additionally, please remember there are resources available to you if you need help processing the information you are seeing on the news and social media. The Employee Assistance Program provides 24-hour support for our faculty and staff, and the Ginger App is also available.
Thank you for all you do every day to support our students and our University. In turn, please know we are here for you, too. My door is always open.
Jennifer Troyer
Interim Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs