2023-24 Meeting Schedule Including Opening Week Activities

Dear Colleagues
I am writing to provide you with the schedule for the AY23-24 opening week events. I have also included the dates for the regularly scheduled meetings of department chairs/directors and AA Council. New faculty members will receive personal invitations to attend the new faculty orientation events outlined below. New administrators are also contacted and invited to participate in various orientation events.
University Advancement and urbanCORE will host a Community Engagement Orientation for new faculty and EHRA staff on Monday, August 14, 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. This full-day event will include a morning session at UNC Charlotte’s Marriott Hotel and Conference Center, an afternoon session at The Dubois Center at UNC Charlotte Center City, and a bus tour that explores the history of Charlotte. A registration link will be sent out via email the week of July 10.
New Faculty Orientation, hosted by the ADVANCE Faculty Affairs and Diversity Office (FADO), will be held on Tuesday, August 15, 8:00 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. The program will include welcomes from the Chancellor, Provost, and Faculty Council President, lunch with their Dean/Associate Deans, and a resource fair. All new faculty should complete the UNC Charlotte New Faculty Onboarding Online Training in Canvas prior to August 15. Additional information about New Faculty Orientation and other resources for new faculty are available on the ADVANCE FADO website. Please go to Checklist for Chairs Upon Hiring a New Faculty Member to access several important checklists and other information regarding what you can do to successfully onboard your faculty. If you have questions related to new faculty or faculty training, please contact ADVANCE FADO.
On Wednesday, August 16, the New Faculty Human Resources Benefits Orientation will take place from 8:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m., with vendor booths available from 12:00-1:00 p.m., in the Belk Gym Room 201. This orientation will offer information about the University’s benefits, including insurance and retirement. Employees are encouraged prior to the orientation to review the New Employee Benefits webpage, which includes a Comprehensive NC Benefits Overview presentation.
University Convocation will be held on Thursday, August 17, at 9:30 a.m. in the Student Union Multipurpose Room (SU 340). We will continue to use this Convocation as the occasion for bringing the senior administration, faculty, and administrative staff together to consider the long-term goals and values of the campus, as well as the more immediate plans and issues for the upcoming year, as presented by the Chancellor, the Faculty President, and me.
I hope that you will make a special effort to escort the new members of your faculty to the University Convocation.
After Convocation, we will break and begin the General Faculty Meeting. Following the endorsement of the Faculty Council, the meeting will be in the form of a question and answer session with Faculty President Xiaoxia Newton (presiding), Chancellor Sharon Gaber, and me.
Also on Thursday, August 17, the Chancellor and I will begin the academic year by meeting with department chairs/directors from 2:00-4:00 p.m. in the auditorium of the Gage Undergraduate Admissions Center. The purpose of the meeting is for us to learn more about your concerns and to address issues and questions that you may have as we start another year.
We are excited to welcome the newest Forty-Niners with our annual New Student Convocation on Sunday, August 20. This campus-wide event will take place at 2:00 p.m. in Halton Arena. I ask you to encourage your faculty to attend. For more information on New Student Convocation including how to RSVP to attend, please visit the Student Convocation Faculty Information webpage.
Additional meetings especially designed for department chairs/directors and Academic Affairs administrators will continue throughout the year. Meetings for AY 2023-24 are scheduled for the following dates:
Friday, September 8 Department Chairs
Friday, October 20 AA Council
Friday, November 17 Department Chairs
Friday, February 2 Department Chairs
Friday, March 8 AA Council
Friday, April 12 Department Chairs
If you have any topics that you are particularly interested in having on the agendas for these sessions, please let me know. We want them to be of value to you as administrators.
Jennifer Troyer
Interim Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs