Update on Interim Provost

Dear Colleagues,
I am pleased to share with you some important updates about leadership within Academic Affairs.
Dr. Jennifer Troyer, dean of the Belk College of Business, has agreed to serve as interim provost and vice chancellor for academic affairs. Her appointment is effective immediately, and she will remain in the position until a permanent provost is named.
Jennifer has been a member of our University community since 1999, rising from assistant professor to her current position as dean. She is well respected among her peers, our students and alumni, and our community partners. I know her commitment to collaboration and inclusion will help us continue our forward momentum with our research goals while also remaining firmly planted in our commitment to our students’ success.
A full announcement on her appointment will be shared with campus later today in Niner Insider.
With Jennifer’s transition to interim provost, Dr.Tao-Hsien “Dolly” King, the Rush S. Dickson Professor of Finance, will become interim dean of the Belk College of Business.
Dolly joined UNC Charlotte in 2006 as the University launched the Ph.D. in finance program. She has served in many leadership capacities since that time, including as a department chair and an associate dean in Belk. A prolific researcher in the area of corporate finance and fixed income securities, she is also a dedicated educator at both the undergraduate and graduate levels.
You also will find more information about Dolly’s appointment in today’s Niner Insider.
I am grateful to both of these leaders for agreeing to serve our University in an even greater capacity, and I look forward to working with them in new ways.
I am also grateful to each of you for your support and patience during this time of transition and growth.
Together, we will accomplish great things for Charlotte.
Sharon L. Gaber