The Latest Information on Fall Enrollment

Dear Colleagues,
Thank you for your ongoing support of our enrollment efforts.
Please review the reports to see the latest admission and enrollment data for your college and program. Please note if you have areas that are down to assist with targeted initiatives, such as reaching out to students to increase yield.
Here are the latest updates from the past two weeks:
Undergraduate Enrollment
- Applications and offers of admission for transfer students are just in line with last year, which was lower than the previous year. Between now and August, we expect to receive another 2,600 applications and admit an additional 2,400 students. However, enrolling a larger transfer class than last year will require an increase in yield. Challenges that transfer students face in the enrollment process often include course availability, challenges with prerequisites, and the length of time to process applications prior to being admitted. Please be aware of those challenges and respond where you’re able to ensure a smooth transition.
- The Office of Financial Aid began packaging new undergraduates last week with their initial aid offers. New students view their aid offers in their portal.
- The first Admitted Student Day event of the spring yield season is coming up this Friday, March 10, and there are more than 800 guests scheduled to attend!
Graduate Enrollment
- Thank you for your outstanding work to review applications for admissions consideration. Please keep it up!
- Offers of admission (domestic and international) are currently up compared to last year. You can connect with these students by offering a virtual and/or in-person Admitted Student Session. Email Maryanne Maree-Sams at or Ellie Ivey at to schedule your session in Slate.
Tips for how you can continue to help us make a difference are included below for easy reference.
Should you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out directly to Claire Kirby, associate provost of enrollment management, Johnna Watson, associate dean for graduate enrollment management and funding, or me.
Alicia L. Bertone
Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
Tips to Remember
- Make timely decisions. If you are responsible for decisions in your department about graduate admissions or readmits, please ensure they are being made in a timely fashion. Additionally, if you can increase your enrollment capacity in graduate programs, say from 15 to 18 students, please consider doing so if you have qualified applicants. Reaching out to transfer students may establish a connection that will affect a student’s decision, particularly in light of the longer processing of these applications. If students are exploring multiple options, we want to be their first choice!
To support undergraduate students
- Look at space to expand. Review class offerings and determine where there is space to expand capacity in high-demand courses – either by increasing enrolled credit hours or decreasing time to degree. I encourage you to look beyond high-enrollment major courses.
- Encourage students to take action. Share messages in your classes to encourage students to review their class schedules for the upcoming term, to visit their advisor for support and register for summer/fall classes as soon as they are able. You could do this outreach in person, via email or via Canvas.
To support graduate students
- Understand the data. Review weekly application reports with 2022 comparison data, determine challenges and opportunities to enroll the summer/fall 2023 class, and make a plan to recruit and enroll students.
- Mark important dates. Please note these dates for fall graduate enrollment.
- March 15: Make decisions on applications in your Slate “Ready for Review” bin, especially those applicants who will be nominated for funding
- April 1: Nominate students for funding by this priority date.
- April 15: Prior to this date, reach out to admitted students offered funding to encourage them to submit their Enrollment Intention Form and accept their funding offers, in accordance with the National Signing Day (April 15 Resolution).
- Join us at an upcoming event. These events will help you learn more about graduate enrollment.
- March 10: Best Practices in Graduate Student Recruitment
- March 15: Information Session for Prospective Graduate Students
- Graduate program directors are invited to participate in the session.
- March 17: Virtual Office Hours on Graduate Student Recruitment
- Discussion Topic: Connect with Your Admitted Students
- March 20: Funding Q&A Session for Faculty and Staff
- March 28: Slate/Admissions Q&A Session for Faculty and Staff
- Know your graduate resources. Bookmark GPDNet for the latest news, data, reports, deadline information, events and helpful resources for graduate education at UNC Charlotte. Subscribe to the weekly New on GPDNet email by sending a note to