Happy New Year, New Colleagues!

Dear Colleagues,
Happy New Year! I hope each of you had a happy, healthy and relaxing break. What a pleasure it is to call myself a member of Niner Nation – officially! I have been looking forward to this day since Chancellor Gaber announced my appointment in October.
Thank you to everyone who has already reached out to welcome me. You have certainly helped confirm what I already knew – Charlotte is an incredible university with a bright future ahead of it.
The work you have done to build outstanding academic programs, create access for students and ensure degree completion is exceptional. I am honored to join you in building upon that excellence to achieve the goals set forward in the University’s strategic plan.
In the coming weeks, I will be meeting with many of you to learn more about how we can best work together. We will all be on a new learning curve as we discover each other’s styles, strengths and perspectives. I hope as we get to know one another, you will feel free to share your thoughts. I value honest feedback and data-driven thought to help me understand perspectives and make recommendations.
Please consider my door, digital and physical, always open to you. And if you see me wandering around campus, don’t hesitate to say hello – or help point me in the right direction!
I wish you all a wonderful, rewarding year ahead.
Dr. Alicia Bertone
Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs