New Office Combines Institutional Research, Assessment and Accreditation

Institutional research, accreditation, and assessment functions are now combined into the newly formed Office of Institutional Effectiveness and Analytics. Steve Coppola leads this department in his new role as associate provost for institutional effectiveness and analytics. Christine Robinson is now assistant provost for institutional effectiveness and analytics.
This new unit combines the resources of the Office of Institutional Research and Decision Support (formerly led by Coppola), the Office of Assessment and Accreditation (formerly led by Robinson), and a dotted-line relationship to the director of Academic and Research Space Planning. These functions work in close collaboration with leaders and teams in all colleges and the service units with direct responsibilities for student success related to learning outcomes and student progression.
The Office of Institutional Effectiveness and Analytics will build on the work of the past decade that has contributed to the University’s critical, upward trajectory on numerous measures of student success and achievement in the increasingly competitive environment of higher education. This model provides enhanced opportunity for cross-functional teams to address the major questions that the University will confront as it implements the new strategic plan.