Faculty Hiring Process Change: Title IX

Effective January 1, 2022, an additional screening step will be included in the faculty hiring process for any full-time or part-time faculty appointments. Prior to offering first round interviews (or prior to offering a position if a search waiver applies), a department chair must contact the Director of Title IX Compliance to ascertain whether that office has relevant information about the candidate(s) being considered.
All faculty position recruitments require using NinerTalent unless a search waiver process is involved. For full-time positions for which hiring is conducted using NinerTalent, this process will be facilitated automatically via the recruitment module; therefore, timely usage of NinerTalent will ensure a smooth process. Part-time faculty hires use “pooled positions” within NinerTalent, and in each hiring instance, the department chair should contact the Director of Title IX Compliance at the point of short-listing selected applicants from the pool.
For faculty hiring using NinerTalent:
- The Director of Title IX Compliance will be added as a reviewer step for all faculty search processes in NinerTalent (full-time and part-time).
- If the Director of Title IX Compliance has relevant information about any candidate being considered, the Director of Title IX Compliance will consult with both the department chair and the dean about the information. The group may also consult with the Office of Legal Affairs and/or Office of Academic Affairs as appropriate.
- A candidate about whom the Director of Title IX Compliance has relevant information may not be offered any faculty position, nor a contract issued for signatures, unless the Provost has reviewed the relevant information and approved the hiring decision.
For faculty hiring using a Request for Waiver of Search (not using NinerTalent):
- Prior to offering first round interviews (or prior to offering a position if no interview process takes place), the department chair must contact the Director of Title IX Compliance and provide the names of candidates being considered for interviews.
- If the Director of Title IX Compliance has relevant information about any candidate being considered, the Director of Title IX Compliance will consult with both the department chair and the dean about the information. The group may also consult with the Office of Legal Affairs and/or Office of Academic Affairs as appropriate.
- A candidate about whom the Director of Title IX Compliance has relevant information may not be offered any faculty position, nor a contract issued for signatures, unless the Provost has reviewed the relevant information and approved the hiring decision.
Further Discussion with Division of Academic Affairs Business Officers: January 2022
The administrative responsibilities for the consultation lies with hiring department chairs who have benefited from a presentation held November 19, 2021. The change of procedures, forms, and checklists will be further discussed in the January 27, 2022, Division of Academic Affairs Business Officer meeting.