24 Faculty Members Awarded Tenure

With the start of the Fall 2021 semester, twenty-four members of the faculty are recognized for receiving tenure.
- Allison Amidei, Theatre
- Erin Basinger, Communication Studies
- Christopher Bejger, Chemistry
- Danielle Boaz, Africana Studies
- Hilary Dack, Middle, Secondary, and K-12 Education
- David Dalton, Languages and Culture Studies
- Wenwen Dou, Computer Science
- Jason Giersch, Political Science and Public Administration
- Kendra Jason, Sociology
- Shaoyu Li, Mathematics and Statistics
- Gregory Martin, Accountancy
- Glenda Mayo, Engineering Technology and Construction Management
- Christopher Mellinger, Languages and Culture Studies
- Annelise Mennicke, Social Work
- Clare Merlin-Knoblich, Counseling
- Isabelle Nilsson, Geography and Earth Sciences
- Andrea Pitts, Philosophy
- Stephanie Potochnick, Sociology
- Bianca Reisdorf, Communication Studies
- Ayesha Sadaf, Educational Leadership
- Carmen Soliz, History
- Meera Sridhar, Software and Information Systems
- Andrew Truman, Biological Sciences
- Pu Wang, Computer Science
Watch the 2021 University Convocation and view the 2021 Convocation program here.