16 Faculty Members Promoted to Full Professor

At the start of the Fall 2021 semester, sixteen members of the faculty were recognized for their promotions to Full Professor. Each faculty member will receive a Jefferson Cup, designed by Thomas Jefferson, founder of the University of Virginia. The cups were engraved with the UNC Charlotte logo, the faculty member’s name, department, and the year 2021.
- Kirill Afonin, Chemistry
- Kelly Anderson, Special Education and Child Development
- Tao Hong, Systems Engineering and Engineering Management
- Monica Johar, Business Information Systems and Operations Management
- Fumie Kato, Languages and Culture Studies
- Ann Loraine, Bioinformatics and Genomics
- Susan McCarter, Social Work
- Lisa Merriweather, Educational Leadership
- Irina Nesmelova, Physics and Optical Science
- Margaret Quinlan, Communication Studies
- Dylan Savage, Music
- Mohamed Shehab, Software and Information Systems
- Michelle Stephan, Middle, Secondary, and K-12 Education
- John Szmer, Political Science and Public Administration
- Jerry Troutman, Chemistry
- Tricia Turner, Kinesiology
Watch the 2021 University Convocation and view the 2021 Convocation program here.