Changes to Grade Election Implementation for Spring 2021

Dear Colleagues:
The Faculty Council has made an amendment to the Undergraduate Pass/No Credit (P/N) grading procedure for the Spring 2021 semester. This amendment will simplify the process for undergraduate students and faculty while still limiting the number of P/N elections and providing a mechanism for identifying sufficient achievement in progression courses. It continues the use of the H/P/NC designations and the limits placed on the total number of H/P/NC grades for the academic year, but allows students to receive their letter grades before deciding to elect H/P/NC.
Students should be advised to complete their courses and review their letter grades before deciding whether to request H/P/NC grades to replace standard grades. Students in full-term and 2nd half-term courses have until June 1, 2021, to make their choice, while those in 1st half-term courses must make an election by April 2.
The H grade designation will be used to signify that the student has passed with a C or above and will have satisfied any progression (prerequisite) requirements. This grade designation is limited to the 2020-2021 academic year only. P will be used to signify that the student passed with a D.
The Undergraduate Grading Policy for the 2020-21 academic year allows undergraduate students to elect H/P/N grading in up to three courses for the entire academic year, including summer. No more than two courses can be elected for Pass/No Credit grading per term.
Students are strongly encouraged to consult with their academic advisor and course instructor before making a decision to be aware of any implications on future plans. Please be aware of the details of this grading exception and FAQs.
Please note this grading procedure amendment applies only to the undergraduate grading policy. Graduate students are to follow the standard graduate grading policy and process outlined in the Graduate Catalog.
Joan Lorden
Provost and Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs