Amendment to P/N Grading Election Includes H Grade Designation

Dear Colleagues:
After receiving additional feedback from students and faculty, the exception to the Undergraduate Grading Policy for the 2020-21 academic year has been amended with two changes. The amendment recognizes the need to record letter grades in prerequisite courses while allowing students to select P/N grading.
The first change expands P/N grading to include an H grade. Students will be allowed to have the grade of H recorded on transcripts for prerequisite courses in which they earned a C or better.
Students in a progression (prerequisite) course should be advised to complete the course for a letter grade. They will then have the option of petitioning for a H/P/N grade after grades are posted and until January 8. The H grade will signify that they have satisfied progression (prerequisite) requirements. If your course currently uses P/N grading, you are encouraged to also use the H grade to signify a progression appropriate grade, if applicable. This use of the H grade designation for this purpose is limited to the 2020-2021 academic year.
The second change is a deadline extension to allow undergraduate students to request Pass/No Credit (P/N) grading without a petition until 11:59 p.m. on Wednesday, December 16. This also is the deadline for students to change a previous P/N election. This deadline also allows faculty members to know students’ grade elections before final grading, which will now begin December 17. For students who make a P/N election prior to the deadline, faculty will see only H/P/or N options when grading.
This applies to undergraduate students only. The P/U grade election deadline for graduate students remain December 14.
Since students may not elect more than two courses for H/P/N grading for the Fall 2020 term, the Office of the Registrar will provide reports to Associate Deans to help monitor this limit. Academic advisors and course instructors should be aware of the details of this grading exception in order to advise students.
Students will be notified of this opportunity later today in Niner Insider.
My thanks to the faculty, deans and associate deans who reviewed and commented on this and to the Registrar and his staff who have made it possible.
Joan F. Lorden
Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs