Clarification for Instruction beginning October 1

Dear colleagues,
There is an important clarification to my September 22 message regarding instruction beginning Oct.1. The intention is to de-densify our campus as much as possible, while providing limited access to in-person instruction for only select courses. Unless courses fit in these specific categories, then the courses should remain online through the duration of fall semester.
Only courses that fit in these categories may have in-person components beginning October 1:
- Engineering
- Science lab classes
- Studio and performance art classes
- Clinical programs in the College of Health and Human Services
- Architecture
- Top 40 courses (1000-level and 2000-level)
These are courses where hands-on, experiential learning and access to specialized equipment is required for those disciplines. In addition, we are preserving in-person instruction for select 1000-level and 2000-level courses that are important to the new student experience.
All courses will be online after Thanksgiving through the end of fall semester. All final exams will be administered online.
Faculty members are reminded to affirm their course delivery mode to students by 5:00 p.m. on Friday, September 25. If you already sent an email to students but clarification is required due to this new information, please communicate this change to your students. Instructors should confirm their course delivery mode with their department chair.
Thank you for your patience and cooperation.
Joan F. Lorden
Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs