Provost Letter to Returning Students

Dear [returning student],
As we prepare for your return to campus this fall, I would like to share with you some of the changes you can expect as we adapt classroom instruction and course design to meet necessary safety measures during this pandemic. We are committed to providing an excellent academic experience, even as we adapt classroom instruction, course design, and campus activities to meet necessary safety measures during this pandemic.
Classroom instruction methods for fall
- Face-to-face classroom instruction will continue to be offered this fall.
- Many courses will have a hybrid approach that splits time between face-to-face and remote instruction. Hybrid classes allow us to ensure that we can provide appropriate physical distancing in the classroom.
- Other courses may be migrated to thoughtfully designed fully online formats.
- We anticipate most students’ schedules will have a combination of hybrid, face-to-face courses, and online courses.
- View a more detailed description of hybrid courses and FAQs here.
- A student’s tuition and fees charges are based on program type not course delivery. Distance Education tuition and fee rates are applicable only to a designated Distance Education degree program.
We are prepared to teach you and create an engaging campus environment.
- To prepare for these changes, our faculty members are participating in a variety of training opportunities this summer and adopting best practices for online teaching in their courses.
- Many faculty members have completed a rigorous national certification for quality assurance in online education.
- We are working to create other opportunities for social engagement on campus and in residence halls with events that meet safety guidelines and expectations. More information will be announced as plans are developed.
Please review your schedule as some of the course instruction methods may have changed to allow for necessary social distancing and reduced class size. You may adjust your schedule through September 14 (the last day to add/drop a course with no grade). Because the fall schedule is still under development, I suggest that you wait to make changes until we have time for a full analysis. More information will be announced as plans are finalized.
On behalf of the entire faculty at UNC Charlotte, we are eager to welcome you back and we are dedicated to your continued success as a college student.
Joan F. Lorden
Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs