News Articles

After receiving additional feedback from students and faculty, the Undergraduate Grading Policy for the 2020-21 academic year has been amended. Undergraduate students may elect P/N grading in up to three courses during the academic year. There are two changes: The deadline for electing P/N grading has been extended until Wednesday, December 16 at 11:59 p.m. […]

Dear Colleagues: After receiving additional feedback from students and faculty, the exception to the Undergraduate Grading Policy for the 2020-21 academic year has been amended with two changes. The amendment recognizes the need to record letter grades in prerequisite courses while allowing students to select P/N grading. The first change expands P/N grading to include […]

The University Career Center (UCC) was recently awarded for its endeavor to ensure our graduates are equipped with the top career competencies employers seek, regardless of profession. The Southern Association of College and Employers presented UCC with the Imaginative Spirit Award for the innovative programs implemented over the past couple of years to improve competency […]

Claire Kirby has been appointed the new Associate Provost of Enrollment Management at UNC Charlotte. Kirby joined UNC Charlotte in April 2005 and has been the Director of Admissions since August 2012. Kirby led UNC Charlotte’s Undergraduate Admissions team to achieve 26% growth in new freshmen and 10% growth in new transfer students over the […]

Dear colleagues, Over the past several months, we have made extraordinary changes to keep the campus safe and to continue delivering our instructional programs. With the input of many groups, including Faculty Council, Faculty Executive Committee, the Future Planning Advisory Group, Deans, Associate Deans and Student Government Association as well as results from a student […]

UNC Charlotte in collaboration with the UNC Press presents “As a Matter of Fact” – Conversations with UNC Press Authors Join Dr. Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, Assistant Professor of African American Studies at Princeton University, on Nov. 12, 2020, at 6 p.m. in conversation with UNC Charlotte’s Dr. Lori Thomas about Taylor’s 2019 book, Race for Profit: […]

This is a reminder to start submitting course and curriculum proposals. The earlier you start, the more likely the proposal will reach final approval in time for publication in the next Catalog. Only timely course and program proposals will be included. For more information visit Course and Curriculum Deadlines and FAQs. Deadlines October 31, 2020: […]

To provide accommodations during the fall 2020 semester, UNC Charlotte has expanded its withdrawal practices to allow students to withdraw with extenuating circumstances (WE) if they have personal issues that have negatively impacted their studies as a result of COVID-19. Course withdrawals for this reason will not count against any institutional limits. Withdrawals prior to […]

The next time you log into Curriculog, the University’s course and curriculum management system for faculty and staff, you may notice the user interface (UI) has been updated. Proposal forms and training materials located on the Faculty Governance website will shortly be updated to match this new design. Curriculog Administrator Matt Wyse can assist you […]

Dear colleagues, There is an important clarification to my September 22 message regarding instruction beginning Oct.1. The intention is to de-densify our campus as much as possible, while providing limited access to in-person instruction for only select courses. Unless courses fit in these specific categories, then the courses should remain online through the duration of […]

Dear colleagues, To follow up on the Chancellor’s announcement this afternoon, please be aware in-person instruction will resume October 1 for specific areas of study with a priority for classes that have the greatest need for an on-campus presence. These are courses that make use of facilities and equipment (e.g., science and engineering labs, studios, […]

Dear colleagues, We continue to adapt to changes during this uncertain time, and I appreciate your flexibility and patience. As you are aware, the University is now moving to fully online instruction in September with the intention to resume planned hybrid and face-to-face instruction October 1. This delay means that now students will move into […]