Messages from the Provost

Dear colleagues, After over eighteen years as provost, I have informed the Chancellor of my intention to step down at the end of the academic year. Even with all the ups and downs and challenges we have faced over these past several years, I still cannot imagine a job I would have enjoyed more. I […]

Dear colleagues, During University Convocation, we heard that some faculty with documented needs were unaware of the process that is in place to address concerns about in-person classes. While department chairs accommodated many of the needs of faculty that were known in spring when the class schedule was built, circumstances can change. We want to […]

Dear colleagues, We are now a week out from the start of classes. As faculty, you are trusted sources of information for your students. Take the opportunity to welcome your class – whether through email, Canvas, or in person – and to educate them about health and safety during the pandemic. As you do so: […]

Instructors: As you welcome students to your class — whether through email, Canvas message, or in person — you may wish to share this information regarding health and safety during the pandemic. This is an opportunity to remind students of mask-wearing expectations and to explain your classroom policies related to the ongoing pandemic, such as […]

Dear Department Chairs and Directors: As we prepare for the start of classes for the fall term, I am writing to remind you of the importance of communicating with all faculty members the content and significance of the University policies, especially those applicable to faculty members. Please reserve time in a faculty meeting to highlight […]

TO: UNC Charlotte Faculty FROM: Joan F. Lorden, Provost Kevin W. Bailey, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs RE: University/Classroom Expectations of Students Related to COVID-19 We write to remind faculty of the protocol that was established last year surrounding violations of student expectations related to required face coverings in the classroom to control COVID-19. The […]

As we prepare for fall, I need to bring to your attention to adjustments to the class schedule that you will need to incorporate into your syllabus planning. Chancellor Installation As part of the schedule of events associated with the installation of Chancellor Gaber, classes will be canceled on Thursday, September 23, 2021, to allow […]

Dear Colleagues, In the past year, you have had to pivot often in response to changing conditions. Things are changing again, but the decreases in infection rates and the increasing availability of COVID vaccines mean that the latest change is to a more normal fall. Fall is likely to still entail testing, tracing, and mask […]

Dear Colleagues: The Faculty Council has made an amendment to the Undergraduate Pass/No Credit (P/N) grading procedure for the Spring 2021 semester. This amendment will simplify the process for undergraduate students and faculty while still limiting the number of P/N elections and providing a mechanism for identifying sufficient achievement in progression courses. It continues the […]

As Chancellor Gaber stated on Monday, the University has made adjustments to the Spring 2021 academic calendar due to the ongoing risks associated with COVID-19. Please make a note of these revised key dates and deadlines. Faculty can import the updated dates in their Canvas courses. Spring full term changes: Early Alerts due – February […]

Dear Faculty: As indicated in my December 11 email, the grading period will open tomorrow. For undergraduate students who have elected Pass/No Credit grading, you will see four options: H (Passing with an A, B or C grade) P (Passing with a D grade) N (No Credit) I (Incomplete) Any undergraduate student who elected Pass/No […]

Dear Colleagues: After receiving additional feedback from students and faculty, the exception to the Undergraduate Grading Policy for the 2020-21 academic year has been amended with two changes. The amendment recognizes the need to record letter grades in prerequisite courses while allowing students to select P/N grading. The first change expands P/N grading to include […]