Withdrawal Policy: History and Development
This page contains only a History and Development of the Withdrawal Policy. For information about Withdrawals at UNC Charlotte, visit the Withdrawal Services website.
History and Development of the Withdrawal Policy

The UNC Charlotte academic policy for undergraduate students’ withdrawal from courses changed in Fall 2014. The goal of the policy on Withdrawals is to encourage student success by reducing the number of unsuccessful course attempts and the undesired consequences that such attempts can have on student debt and timely graduation.
Below are resources regarding the changes:
- Withdrawals Policy Memo (12-03-13)
- Withdrawals Best Practices Memo (12-04-13)
- Course Withdrawal Limit Policy Presentation: Academic Advisor Development Program (02-05-14)
- Course Withdrawal Limit Policy Presentation: Orientation Counselor Training (05-27-14)
- Change of Withdrawal Allowance Memo to Faculty, Staff, & Students (03-10-14)
- “Think before you take that ‘W'” – excerpt from Relatively Speaking: Office of Parent and Family Services Newsletter (March 2014)
The official academic policy and procedure are available here: