Faculty & Staff

New Office Combines Institutional Research, Assessment and Accreditation
Institutional research, accreditation, and assessment functions are now combined into the newly formed Office of Institutional Effectiveness and Analytics. Steve Coppola leads this department in his new role as associate provost for institutional effectiveness and analytics. Christine Robinson is now assistant provost for institutional effectiveness and analytics. This new unit combines the resources of the […]

Bojan Cukic named Interim Dean of College of Computing and Informatics
Dr. Bojan Cukic, who currently is an associate dean and professor in the College of Computing and Informatics (CCI), will serve as interim dean of the College when Dean Fatma Mili resigns her post effective June 30, 2022. A search for the next CCI dean will begin in the coming weeks. Cukic joined Charlotte in […]

Junior Faculty Members Receive Woodward Faculty Research Awards
Three early-career faculty members have received the inaugural James H. Woodward Faculty Research Award in recognition of their promising programs of research, scholarship, or creative practice. Established in 2021, this award is given annually to an untenured member of the faculty who was reappointed to a tenure-earning position in the preceding academic year. The award […]

Unsatisfactory Midterm Grades
Dear Colleagues: I would like to thank all of you who have already reported – or are in the process of preparing to report – midterm unsatisfactory grades in your classes. If you have not yet reported midterm unsatisfactory grades, the deadline is noon on Friday, March 4, and you must complete the process even […]

Call for Nominations for 2022-2023 Faculty Governance Positions
Dear Colleagues, The Faculty of UNC Charlotte are charged with the responsibility for making policy decisions regarding the curriculum, academic standards, and the allocation of internal research funds. We are also charged with important advisory responsibilities regarding our working schedule and conditions, the university budget, facilities planning, administrative appointments, and other elements of institutional policy […]

General Education Town Hall Meetings
Dear Faculty, The General Education Task Force would like to share its current proposal for the revised 2023 General Education curriculum. The Task Force has scheduled two Town Hall meetings to get your feedback. Thursday, February 17, 2022: 4:00-5:30 p.m. Friday, February 18, 2022: 9:30-11:00 a.m. Your participation in town hall meetings last fall served […]

Lee Gray takes interim role in Office of Academic Affairs
Dr. Lee Gray, who currently is senior associate dean in the College of Arts + Architecture (COAA), will serve as interim senior associate provost when Dr. Jay Raja returns to the faculty in July 2022. Gray will retain some duties in COAA through June 2022, while he begins his transition to the Office of Academic […]

Senior Associate Provost Jay Raja Plans Return to Faculty
Dr. Jay Raja, senior associate provost for Academic Affairs, plans to return to the faculty in a full professor role with the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Engineering Science beginning in July 2022. “Dr. Raja is an exceptional leader who is skilled at bringing people together to develop and implement innovative programs. His expertise has […]

Commencement Ceremonies Information and Updates
Dear Colleagues: As we are set to confer degrees on nearly 4,000 students this week, we cordially invite you to participate in the faculty processionals of our graduate and undergraduate ceremonies. Graduate Commencement Ceremony The conferral of all graduate degrees (PhD, Masters, Graduate Certificates) in all majors and programs will take place on Friday, December […]

Faculty Hiring Process Change: Title IX
Effective January 1, 2022, an additional screening step will be included in the faculty hiring process for any full-time or part-time faculty appointments. Prior to offering first round interviews (or prior to offering a position if a search waiver applies), a department chair must contact the Director of Title IX Compliance to ascertain whether that […]