Academic Policies and Procedures

The official academic policies procedures, and guidance retained and maintained here include University-wide as well as undergraduate- and graduate-specific academic policies and procedures. Additional policies and procedures related to degree programs may exist within the academic department or college.

Academic AdvisingUndergraduate
Academic and Financial Responsibility (see Registration)Undergraduate and Graduate
Academic Appeal and GrievanceUndergraduate
Academic CalendarUndergraduate and Graduate
Academic Credit HourUndergraduate and Graduate
Academic Department/School: Establishment, Name Change, or RelocationN/A
Academic DistinctionsUndergraduate
Academic Load and Time Status for All Graduate StudentsGraduate
Academic Probation and Suspension (see Academic Standing)Undergraduate
Academic Proficiency and PlacementUndergraduate
Academic Records and TranscriptsUndergraduate
Academic StandingUndergraduate
Academic StandingGraduate
Academic Support ReviewN/A
Access and Use of Academic Analytics DataN/A
Admission to the UniversityUndergraduate and Graduate
Associate Degree Rule (see Readmission of Former Students)Undergraduate
Auditing a Course (see Registration)Undergraduate and Graduate
Baccalaureate Degree ProgressionUndergraduate
Baccalaureate Degree RequirementsUndergraduate
Bilateral Articulation Agreements: Establishment and ReviewN/A
Catalogs (see University Catalogs) 
Chancellor’s List, Dean’s List, Graduation with Distinction (see Academic Distinctions)Undergraduate
Chancellor’s Professor Designation
Chancellor’s Professor Designation – Policy
Chancellor’s Professor Designation – Procedure
CIP Code RevisionN/A
Class Scheduling Guidelines and Classroom UtilizationN/A
Code of Student Academic IntegrityUndergraduate and Graduate
Code of Student ResponsibilityUndergraduate and Graduate
College Name ChangeN/A
Commencement and New Student Convocation Faculty AttendanceN/A
Commencement Marshals (see Graduation: Undergraduate)Undergraduate
Continuous Registration and Leave of AbsenceGraduate
Course, Curriculum, and Catalog ReviewUndergraduate and Graduate
Course Attendance and ParticipationUndergraduate and Graduate
Course Load (see Academic Credit Hour)Undergraduate and Graduate
Course Numbering and StatusUndergraduate and Graduate
Courses, One-Time Approvals (see One-Time Course Approvals)Undergraduate and Graduate
Course/Instructor Evaluations by Students (see Student Evaluations)Undergraduate and Graduate
Credit by Examination
– Credit by Examination (Undergraduate) (see Transfer Credit and Advanced Academic Standing)
– Credit by Examination (Graduate) (see Transfer Credit and Credit by Examination)
Undergraduate and Graduate
Death of a StudentUndergraduate and Graduate
Declaring Undergraduate Majors and MinorsUndergraduate
Definition of Undergraduate Majors, Minors, Concentrations, and CertificatesUndergraduate
Degree Programs
New Degree Programs
Degree Name or Type Revision
Degree Program Delivery Method Revision
– Graduate Certificate: Establishment
Undergraduate and Graduate
Degree Requirements
Doctor of Business Administration (DBA)
Doctor of Education (Ed.D.)
Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
Graduate Certificate
Undergraduate and Graduate
Disciplinary SuspensionGraduate
Dual Degree (see External Dual Degree and Joint Degree Establishment)N/A
Dual Enrollment (see Registration)Undergraduate and Graduate
European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) EquivalencyUndergraduate and Graduate
Evaluation of Academic AdministratorsN/A
Evaluation of Distance Education and Online OfferingsN/A
Evaluations, Student (see Student Evaluations)Undergraduate and Graduate
External Dual Degree and Joint Degree EstablishmentN/A
Faculty FulbrightN/A
Faculty Grievances (see Procedures for Resolving Faculty Grievances (arising under Section 607(3) of The Code of The University of North Carolina))N/A
Faculty IllnessN/A
Faculty Roles and ResponsibilitiesN/A
Faculty WorkloadN/A
Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) NotificationUndergraduate and Graduate
Final Course Grades
– Final Grades (see Grading)
Policy and Procedures for Student Appeals of Final Course Grades
Undergraduate and Graduate
Final Examinations
Final Examinations – Policy
Final Examinations – Procedure
Undergraduate and Graduate
Flexible WorkN/A
General Education ProgramUndergraduate
Grade of I (see Grading)Undergraduate
Grade Replacement (see Grading)Undergraduate
Grading (Undergraduate)
Grading (Graduate)
Undergraduate and Graduate
Graduate Certificate: EstablishmentN/A
Graduate Student Parental LeaveGraduate
GraduationUndergraduate and Graduate
Honors ProgramsUndergraduate
Immunization Policy ReinstatementsUndergraduate and Graduate
Independent StudyUndergraduate and Graduate
Joint Degree (see External Dual Degree and Joint Degree Establishment)N/A
Leave of Absence (see Continuous Registration and Leave of Absence)Graduate
Majors and Minors
Declaring Undergraduate Majors and Minors
Definition of Majors, Minors, Concentrations, and Certificates
Midterm Unsatisfactory Grade Reporting (see Grading)Undergraduate
Name Changes
to a College
to a Department
to a Degree
New Degree Programs (see Degree Programs)N/A
New Student Convocation (see Commencement and New Student Convocation Faculty Attendance)N/A
One-Time Course ApprovalsUndergraduate and Graduate
Open Access PolicyN/A
Parental Leave (see Graduate Student Parental Leave)Graduate
Pass/No Credit Option (see Grading)Undergraduate
Posthumous Degrees and Degrees in Memoriam
Posthumous Degrees and Degrees in Memoriam – Policy
Posthumous Degree and Degrees in Memoriam – Procedure
Undergraduate and Graduate
Post-Tenure ReviewN/A
Priority RegistrationUndergraduate and Graduate
Procedures for Resolving Faculty Grievances (arising under Section 607(3) of The Code of The University of North Carolina) N/A
Professor Designation (see Chancellor’s Professor Designation)N/A
Programs for Licensed ProfessionsUndergraduate and Graduate
Readmission of Former StudentsUndergraduate
Reappointment, Promotion, and TenureN/A
Reassignment of DutiesN/A
Undergraduate Registration
Graduate Registration
Priority Registration
Undergraduate and Graduate
Religious Accommodation for StudentsUndergraduate and Graduate
Requirements for Continued Enrollment (see Academic Probation and Suspension)Undergraduate
Repeating a Course (see Grading)Undergraduate
Residence Status for Tuition PurposesUndergraduate and Graduate
Reverse TransferUndergraduate
Schedule Interruption GuidelinesN/A
School/Department: Establishment, Name Change, or RelocationN/A
Second Degrees
– Second Degrees (Undergraduate) (see Declaring Undergraduate Majors and Minors)
Second Degrees (Graduate)
– Change of Degree Program
– Earning a Second Degree
– Dual Degree
Undergraduate and Graduate
Special Faculty AppointmentsN/A
Student Complaint Resolution LogN/A
Student Concerns About Courses and/or FacultyN/A
Student Feedback for InstructorsUndergraduate and Graduate
Student Grievance ProceduresUndergraduate and Graduate
Student Involuntary Protective Withdrawal PolicyUndergraduate and Graduate
Student Learning & Professional Licensure LocationUndergraduate and Graduate
Substantive Change Compliance PolicyN/A
Syllabus: Suggested Standard Syllabus PoliciesN/A
Teaching EffectivenessN/A
Termination of EnrollmentUndergraduate and Graduate
Textbooks and Instructional MaterialsN/A
Transfer Credit and Advanced Academic Standing (AP, IB, etc.)Undergraduate
Transfer Credit and Credit by ExaminationGraduate
Transient Study (see Transfer Credit and Advanced Academic Standing)Undergraduate
Two Year Rule (see Readmission of Former Students)Undergraduate
University Catalogs
Course, Curriculum, and Catalog Review
Undergraduate and Graduate
University Continuing Education ActivitiesN/A
University MarshalN/A
Vacant Faculty Positions, Lapse Salary, & Return of Faculty Positions to Colleges N/A
Withdrawal (also see Grading)
Withdrawal and Cancellation of Enrollment – Policy
Withdrawal, Cancellation of Enrollment and Effects – Procedure
Student Involuntary Protective Withdrawal Policy (University Policy 408)
Withdrawal Policy: History and Development
Undergraduate and Graduate

Review of Academic Policies and Procedures