May 8

May 8, 2023
Annual Study Abroad Photo Exhibit Returns
The Office of International Programs and the Office of Education Abroad are proud to present the return of the Annual Study Abroad Photo Exhibit. With travel resuming, students were eager to return to study abroad and we are thrilled to be sharing the winning photographs from the Study Abroad Photo Contest through a virtual exhibit. The campus community is invited to view the winning photos along with five honorable mentions from four categories: Landscape, Portrait, Self-Portrait, and Defining Moment. A special non-compete category featuring Niner Pride abroad is also included in the virtual exhibit. View the winning student photographs from around the world as we recognize Charlotte students’ participation in this high impact practice. The virtual exhibit will be held via the Education Abroad website May 1 through June 2.
Division of Research News and Events
Division of Research Open House
You are invited to a Meet & Greet with the staff in Grants and Contracts Administration, Office of Research Services, Center for Research Excellence, Research Protections and Integrity, Research Commercialization and Development, Research Partnerships, and Budget and Personnel.
- Thursday, May 11, 3:00 – 5:00 PM, Cameron Hall, Third Floor (RSVP to
Research Administration Ticketing Webinars
The Division of Research is pleased to announce the launch of its research administration ticketing system. Sign up for one of the remaining two webinar sessions for a demo of the system and to have an opportunity to ask questions.
Center for Teaching and Learning Updates
The Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) is upgrading to a better video streaming platform for Canvas called Canvas Studio. It will replace the current platform, Kaltura, which the CTL has been using for over ten years but does not offer the modern features our users need. Here are just a few of the following benefits Canvas Studio will offer:
- Easier usability for faculty
- Commenting capability
- Better analytics to see who is actually viewing course videos
- More robust in-video quizzing capabilities and immediate gradebook updates
Automatic Video Migration Timeline
Which videos will get automatically migrated from your course?
All course videos recorded in Kaltura will be migrated to Canvas Studio as long as the video has been watched at least ten times in the last four years (since January 1, 2019).
[Note: Zoom recordings will not be included in the migration to Studio.]
When will the video migration from Kaltura to Canvas Studio take place?
Kaltura to Canvas Studio migration will take place after grades are due but before summer term begins, during the week of May 16, 2023. However, Canvas and Canvas Studio will be available for use during the migration process.
Kaltura Available Until June 30, 2024
What happens to those videos that were not automatically migrated from Kaltura to Canvas Studio?
Kaltura videos will still be available for viewing through the entire upcoming academic year (i.e., view-only mode, not recording or editing). That means all Kaltura videos will be viewable by you or your students in Canvas courses. This overlap year will allow you ample time to review any videos that you wish to keep that did not get automatically migrated and to manually migrate them yourself before July 2024. Need More Information?
- FAQs Available: View this FAQ with information to help you get started using Canvas Studio.
- Learn about Canvas Studio: Find out more information about the product.
- 24/7 Canvas Support: Use CTL’s 24/7 Canvas Support for any assistance that you might need with Studio.
If you have any questions, please contact the OneIT Service Desk at or 704-687-5500.
Faculty News Council
Please visit the Faculty Governance website for the latest news from the Faculty Council including:
Dissertation Defense
The dissertation defense is one of the ways a new scholar demonstrates readiness to join the academy and is an opportunity to share their research widely. View All Dissertation Defense Announcements.
Latest AA News
For up-to-the-minute news from Academic Affairs (faculty awards, research, recognition, initiatives), visit the Academic Affairs Division News webpage.

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Deadline for submission is 11:00 a.m. every Friday.