January 23

January 23, 2023
Levine Scholars Program Seeks Faculty/Staff for Two Opportunities
Levine Scholars Program Faculty Fellow
The Levine Scholars Program (LSP) announces an opening for a Faculty Fellow for the 2023-2024 academic year. The primary purpose of this appointment is to further develop the civic engagement and research opportunities of Levine Scholars; assist in the development of the LSP summer study abroad program; and establish structures to assist Levine Scholars in applying for postgraduate awards, admission into graduate programs, and postgraduate employment. The appointment is to begin July 1, 2023, and continue through May 31, 2024. Any tenured member of the faculty with the rank of associate professor or professor is eligible to apply. A letter of interest describing experience in civic engagement and leadership development, and a current curriculum vitae with references should be submitted to Dr. Diane Zablotsky by January 23.
Goals and activities of the Faculty Fellow:
- Act as a primary resource to students for their civic engagement projects at the individual and group level. Direct scholars in the development, review, approval and completion of their projects.
- Assist scholars in developing and pursuing a research agenda, including providing assistance in developing and reviewing abstracts for submissions to research conferences.
- Coordinating the Levine Scholars Program Research Mentoring Initiative.
- Developing and/or delivering the LSP summer international study opportunities for scholars and other undergraduates.
- Establish and implement structural supports to assist students in applying for post-graduate scholarships, graduate school admission and professional employment.
- Participate in existing Levine Scholars programming where appropriate.
- Opportunity to accompany students on NOLS expedition in summer 2024.
Qualifications for appointment:
- Tenured faculty member appointed to the rank of Associate Professor or Professor.
- Experience with high-achieving undergraduate students.
- Experience in civic engagement and experiential learning for undergraduate students.
- Interest and experience in supporting undergraduate students in developing research agendas.
- Demonstrated experience in student leadership development and/or mentoring undergraduate students.
- Interest or experience in program development and inter-program coordination.
- Interest or experience in program assessment.
- Strong relationship building skills, with the ability to interact effectively with a broad range of stakeholders – from faculty, to current scholars, to community leaders.
- Excellent communication skills.
- High energy level, engagement skills and dedication to the continued success of the LSP.
Conditions of the appointment:
Appointees serve for an 11-month period, from July 1, 2023, through May 31, 2024 (with the possibility of being reappointed). Appointees holding nine-month appointments are paid their regular academic yearly salary augmented by summer stipend of two-ninths of their salary. Appointees holding 12-month appointments are paid their regular salary and receive their usual vacation leave. Office space is provided in Levine Hall. The LSP Faculty Fellow appointment is for 20-24 hours a week in the coming academic year and the Fellow is expected to provide sufficient additional professorial and service contributions to their home department and college to constitute at least half of their efforts for the University. Funds are provided from central resources to provide instructors for one course per semester that otherwise would have been taught by the Faculty Fellow, while other duties are covered from department and college sources.
Levine Program Seeks Representative to Accompany Incoming Freshmen on NOLS Expedition
The Levine Scholars Program is seeking two members of the UNC Charlotte community to accompany the incoming first year class on a 23-day expedition with the National Outdoor Leadership School (NOLS). The campus representative will travel with the students on the round-trip flight from Charlotte Douglas Airport to the site of the expedition (Lander, Wyoming) and be a full participant on the backpacking expedition. The trip is scheduled from July 9, 2023 through August 4, 2023 (dates include round-trip travel). Requirements for the liaisons include full-time employment at UNC Charlotte and working knowledge of academic programs across the University. They must possess a high level of familiarity with the student culture on campus, and both academic and extracurricular opportunities available to undergraduates. We are seeking a campus representative who is interested in establishing an ongoing mentoring relationship with students in the Levine Scholars Program. Individuals with backpacking experience and a high comfort level being in close interaction with students over a protracted period of time are best suited for this opportunity. The Levine Scholars Program will cover all programmatic costs required for participation in the expedition. To apply for the liaison position, please submit a letter of interest and resume by noon on Friday, January 27 to Diane Zablotsky.
Paper Chase Program: Faculty Project Applications Due January 25
Are you a faculty member looking to increase your research publication productivity? Do you have research data waiting to be published? Are you willing to mentor UNC Charlotte students on their research and writing skills? The Paper Chase program, sponsored by the Office of Undergraduate Research, is intended to train students and faculty on an effective method to disseminate research findings. The on-campus Paper Chase Writing Event will be held on campus May 17-19, 2023. Faculty will receive a stipend for their participation. Faculty project applications are due January 25. Apply here. Questions about the program? Email Alicia Dahl.
Legal Affairs Training: Ethical Standards
Committing To The University’s Standards of Ethical Conduct
University Policy 804 describes UNC Charlotte’s commitment to ethical, legal, and professional behavior, both inside and outside the University. It applies to all members of the University community, but can often raise more questions than answers. This session explores each of the Policy’s eleven standards, and some practical examples of what that means for you, a proud member of Niner Nation! Presented by Erica Solosky, Associate General Counsel and Interim Director of the Office of Ethics, Policy, and Compliance.
Tuesday, January 31, 12:00 – 1:00 PM, via Zoom (Register)
*Registrants will receive the Zoom link prior to the presentation.
Mental Health First Aid Training Sessions
As part of our commitment to supporting student wellbeing and cultivating a community of care, the Center for Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) offers Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) training sessions for faculty, staff and students. MHFA a national program that teaches skills around how to respond to someone struggling with distress or suicide ideation. The next two-day faculty/staff training will be Thursday, February 2 and Friday, February 3 from 2:00-5:00 p.m. each day. This session will be virtual. (Note: Participants must complete 2 hours of pre-work and attend the full 6 hours of the instructor-led training to earn their certificate.) Throughout the spring, training sessions are taking place both virtually and in-person. View the schedule and find information on how to register. For questions, contact Sarah Besse, mental health educator and coordinator of suicide prevention.
URC 2023 Registration Now Open
The UNC Charlotte Undergraduate Research Conference (URC) 2023 registration form is now open! It will remain open until 5:00 p.m. on Friday, February 24. Please encourage your students to register for URC 2023, which will be held in the Popp Martin Student Union on Tuesday, April 25. Students are required to submit an abstract of their research project as part of the registration. More details.
Additionally, the URC 2023 organizing committee is seeking faculty, staff, and doctoral students to serve as judges for the conference. Those interested in this service opportunity should complete the URC 2023 Judges Recruitment Form by 5:00 p.m. on Friday, February 24.
School of Data Science: Registration Now Open for March Conferences
The School of Data Science is hosting two conferences, the Women in Data Science Conference on March 8 (International Women’s Day!) and the Analytics Frontiers Conference on March 9 – both held at the UNC Charlotte Marriott.
The Women in Data Science is a free conference geared towards students and young professionals. It aims to inspire, educate, and engage current and future data scientists in the Carolinas, regardless of gender, and to support women in the field by providing training, networking, and mentoring opportunities. It will also feature a career fair! Register for this free conference today.
The Analytics Frontiers Conference is the largest data science conference in the region, attracting more than 500 thought leaders, scientists, and business executives from different industries and academia.Main topics include ethics in AI, Natural Language Processing, and more. Secure your spot today.
Early Alert Deadline / CONNECT Startup Page and Best Practice Sessions
Early Alerts are due for all 1XXX/2XXX level courses by 12:00 p.m. on Friday, February 3.
Are you new to UNC Charlotte? Check out the new Advisor Tool Kit page.
CONNECT Advising Smarter Not Harder sessions will be offered in-person or virtually by request for Spring 2023. Advisors and faculty can request a one-on-one or team session surrounding best practices topics of your choice. Best Practice sessions can be held during department meetings and in collaboration with your Advising Systems Liaison. For more information contact Gary Martinez, Advising Systems Specialist, or LeeFredrick Bowen, Director for Academic Advising Systems.
Need some basic training on CONNECT? Email Gary Martinez to request access to the Connect Best Practice Training Modules on Canvas.
Center for Teaching and Learning Workshops
Viewpoint Diversity and Civil Discourse in the Classroom
College is designed to teach students how to think – not what to think. An inclusive classroom must provide opportunities for students to form and express diverse viewpoints while respecting differing viewpoints of others. This workshop will provide techniques and resources to help faculty engage students in safe and respectful discussions around diverse viewpoints and perspectives. This workshop counts towards the Essentials of Teaching and Learning Certificate.
Tuesday, January 24, 9:30 – 10:30 AM (Register)
Instructional Video Part 1: Managing “My Media” with Kaltura in Canvas
This is the first course in a three course series on Instructional Video use in Canvas. This is an introductory course for instructors who have never used My Media and Kaltura to manage videos in their Canvas Course. In this workshop, we will explain what My Media and Kaltura are, explain storage limits in Canvas, define features and tools of Kaltura, show how Zoom integrates with My Media and Kaltura, and explain how to share videos in Canvas Pages or the Media Gallery.
Tuesday, January 24, 1:00 – 2:00 PM (Register)
Teaching with Poll Everywhere
This workshop will introduce faculty/staff to Poll Everywhere, and how to use the student response software in classroom and other learning spaces. During the workshop participants will explore how to get registered and create polling content within Poll Everywhere. We will guide you on downloading your class roster from Canvas into Poll Everywhere and how to export grades from the polling responses into Canvas.
Thursday, January 26, 1:00 – 2:00 PM (Register)
Faculty News Council
Please visit the Faculty Governance website for the latest news from the Faculty Council including:
Dissertation Defense
The dissertation defense is one of the ways a new scholar demonstrates readiness to join the academy and is an opportunity to share their research widely. View All Dissertation Defense Announcements.
Latest AA News
For up-to-the-minute news from Academic Affairs (faculty awards, research, recognition, initiatives), visit the Academic Affairs Division News webpage.

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Deadline for submission is 11:00 a.m. every Friday.