January 17

January 17, 2023
New Student Orientation Moves to Enrollment Management
On January 16, SOAR, UNC Charlotte’s new student orientation program. moved from the Division of Student Affairs to Enrollment Management in the Division of Academic Affairs. The team will be a part of the newly formed Enrollment Programs & Communications team led by Jordan Holliday-Millard. This office will be responsible for planning and implementing orientation and onboarding programs, as well as communications for new and continuing students related to Enrollment Management units and programs. Learn more and meet the team.
Great Decisions Lecture Series 2023
The Office of International Programs invites you to attend the 2023 Great Decisions lecture series. This series addresses imperative topics that are, arguably, some of the most critical global issues facing America today. The lectures are led by UNC Charlotte faculty experts, followed by a Q&A discussion. The Great Decisions lecture series is a longstanding national initiative organized by the Foreign Policy Association (FPA). UNC Charlotte’s Office of International Programs is the state coordinator for FPA’s Great Decisions, which affords us the unique opportunity to facilitate conversations surrounding these imperative topics. The event is free and open to the campus community. For more information on the topics, speakers, dates and to pre-register, please visit the Office of International Program’s website.
Early Alert Deadline / CONNECT Startup Page and Best Practice Sessions
Early Alerts are due for all 1XXX/2XXX level courses by 12:00 p.m. on Friday, February 3.
Are you new to UNC Charlotte? Check out the new Advisor Tool Kit page.
CONNECT Advising Smarter Not Harder sessions will be offered in-person or virtually by request for Spring 2023. Advisors and faculty can request a one-on-one or team session surrounding best practices topics of your choice. Best Practice sessions can be held during department meetings and in collaboration with your Advising Systems Liaison. For more information contact Gary Martinez, Advising Systems Specialist, or LeeFredrick Bowen, Director for Academic Advising Systems.
Need some basic training on CONNECT? Email Gary Martinez to request access to the Connect Best Practice Training Modules on Canvas.
Center for Teaching and Learning Workshops
Teaching with Poll Everywhere
This workshop will introduce faculty/staff to Poll Everywhere, and how to use the student response software in classroom and other learning spaces. During the workshop participants will explore how to get registered and create polling content within Poll Everywhere. We will guide you on downloading your class roster from Canvas into Poll Everywhere and how to export grades from the polling responses into Canvas.
Tuesday, January 17, 9:00 – 10:00 AM (Register)
New Canvas Quizzing
This workshop will teach you the basics of creating quizzes in Canvas for assessments using the New Canvas Quizzing Tool. We will also show you how to migrate classic quizzes to new quizzes. We recommend it for anyone new to quizzing in Canvas or creating new quizzes from scratch.
Tuesday, January 17, 1:30 – 2:30 PM (Register)
Canvas Assignments and Gradebook
Ensure your Canvas assignments and gradebook are organized so students can track their grade throughout the semester and learn tips and tricks to make grading easier. In this workshop, you’ll learn how to use the Canvas Assignments page to set up your Gradebook to calculate course grades. You’ll also learn how to create and grade assignments, enter grades with SpeedGrader, and use rubrics for communicating expectations of quality.
Wednesday, January 18, 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM (Register)
Faculty News Council
Please visit the Faculty Governance website for the latest news from the Faculty Council including:
Dissertation Defense
The dissertation defense is one of the ways a new scholar demonstrates readiness to join the academy and is an opportunity to share their research widely. View All Dissertation Defense Announcements.
Latest AA News
For up-to-the-minute news from Academic Affairs (faculty awards, research, recognition, initiatives), visit the Academic Affairs Division News webpage.

To have items included in the digest, complete the NEWS DIGEST REQUEST FORM.
Deadline for submission is 11:00 a.m. every Friday.