October 3

October 3, 2022
Finalists Announced for Dean of College of Computing and Informatics
The search committee for the Dean of the College of Computing and Informatics position is pleased to announce three candidates for the position. The campus community is invited to attend the candidate public presentations. For details, including candidate CVs, visit the CCI Dean search website. Following each candidate interview, we encourage you to provide feedback via the Candidate Evaluation Form. The form will be available until 8:00 a.m. on October 18.
Call for Applications: Faculty Director, Levine Scholars Program
Applications are invited from the UNC Charlotte faculty for the position of Faculty Director of the Levine Scholars Program. The Faculty Director has primary responsibility for the leadership and direction of the Levine Scholars Program, a unique merit-based scholarship program attracting exceptional student-leaders from throughout the United States. The Faculty Director reports to the Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and is part of Academic Affairs Senior Staff. The position will begin July 1, 2023. Applicants should submit a letter of interest that addresses their qualifications, not to exceed three pages, and include their current curriculum vitae. Applications should be submitted via email to academicaffairs@uncc.edu by October 28, 2022.
Course and Curriculum Deadlines for 2023-2024 Catalogs
October 31 is the submission deadline for ‘Course Revision’ proposals and December 31 is the submission deadline for all other course and curriculum proposals. Submit your proposals now in Curriculog to help ensure your proposals reach final approval in time for publication in the next Catalog. Only timely course and program proposals will be included. For more information visit Course and Curriculum Deadlines and FAQs. Curriculog Open Swim sessions will be held October 26, 2:30 p.m. and December 20, 4:00 p.m. Learn more about Curriculog and register for training.
China Expert to Address U.S.-China Relations
The Office of International Programs invites you to attend an International Speaker Series event featuring Dave Rank, Senior Fellow at Yale University’s Jackson Institute for Global Affairs. Rank will discuss U.S.- China Relations in the New Global Order. The International Speaker Series is a long-standing initiative that offers the campus community an opportunity to hear from internationally renowned experts in various fields. The topics that speakers address range from economics, to globalization to foreign policy. The event is free and open to the campus community.
- Wednesday, October 12, 3:30 – 5:00 PM, Belk Gym 201 (Register)
Common Reading Author to Visit Campus
Scott Ellsworth, author of this year’s common reading text, The Ground Breaking, will speak to the UNC Charlotte community on Thursday, October 13 in Student Union 340. The event begins at 7:00 p.m. Ellsworth teaches in the Department of Afroamerican and African Studies at the University of Michigan. The Ground Breaking: An American City and Its Search for Justice is his second book about the Tulsa race massacre of 1921 and its aftermath.The Common Reading Experience at UNC Charlotte provides a shared academic experience to assist first-year students in their transition to the university. The program offers opportunity for self-reflection, critical thinking, student interaction, and understanding of diverse perspectives. For more information, contact Carla Eastis.
Honors Course Proposals 2023-2024
The Honors College is accepting course proposals for the 2023-24 academic year, HONR 3700 seminars as well as critical thinking and local and globally-themed honors sections of courses (1500-level) for the revised general education offerings. LBST courses will be offered under the previous general education program. The Honors College is piloting two 2023 summer courses, one 3700 and one LBST or 1500-level course. We will offer up to six course planning grants of $500 for classes that meet one or more of three pedagogical needs: interdisciplinary inquiry; critical place-based pedagogy; or consortium-building in disciplinary honors. If you would like to apply to teach an honors course on the main campus or at The Dubois Center uptown, please complete this form. All course proposals will be considered for the planning grants. The submission deadline is October 24, 2022. Email Jeffrey Leak, Interim Associate Dean, if you would like more information or have any questions.
2023-2024 FAFSA is Open
We encourage students to apply early for financial aid as the priority deadline is Jan. 1, 2023. All students must reapply every year to receive aid.
Technology Development and Proof-of-Concept Fund
Research and Economic Development, through the Office of Research Commercialization and Development, is offering proof-of-concept grants for up to $10,000 to support product development and initial testing of new university-owned innovations and technologies with strong commercial potential. Through this program, the university hopes to fill a critical funding gap along the innovation continuum and reduce some of the barriers associated with licensing and commercialization by adding significant value to early-stage innovations. The Technology Development and Proof-of-Concept Fund is managed by UNC Charlotte’s Office of Research Commercialization and Development. Questions regarding the program should be directed to invent@uncc.edu. More information.
Center for Teaching and Learning Workshops
Enhancing Cultural Awareness
The training will present an overview of the common definition and assessment of culture at UNC Charlotte and explore cultural dimensions based on theory and research. Participants will receive resources for sample assignments and a mapping exercise to enhance student cultural awareness. This is an online, asynchronous training session over three days. There is no set meeting time. This workshop counts towards the Essentials of Teaching and Learning Certificate. This course is facilitated by Joe Hoff from the Office of International Programs.
- Wednesday – Friday, October 5-7, Asynchronous (Register)
New Canvas Quizzing
This workshop will teach you the basics of creating quizzes in Canvas for assessments using the New Canvas Quizzing Tool. We will also show you how to migrate classic quizzes to new quizzes. We recommend it for anyone new to quizzing in Canvas or creating new quizzes from scratch.
- Wednesday, October 5, 1:00 – 2:00 PM (Register)
Introduction to Learning Objectives
This asynchronous, online workshop clarifies the use of learning objectives for teaching and provides concrete steps for planning and writing course and module objectives for your course that match what you need and want to teach. This workshop counts towards the Essentials of Teaching and Learning Certificate. Dr. Fred Baker, from the Center for Teaching and Learning will facilitate this session. Workshop objectives:
- Define learning objectives, both at the course level and the module level.
- Apply characteristics of good objectives to the revision and creation of course and module objectives.
- Apply the concept of alignment to the revision and creation of activities, materials, and assessments.
- Monday-Friday, October 10-17, Asynchronous (Register)
Upcoming Events from the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences
El mes de la herencia Hispana. Mi español… /Hispanic Heritage Month. My Spanish…
This month-long exhibit includes interactive activities for everyone. It is the result of a collaboration between two Spanish Program faculty members and Atkins Library. The closing event will be held on October 3 (see below).
- September 15-October 15, drop-in (Atkins Library Special Exhibits section, 2nd floor)
DISCUSSION: Are you a Latinx or Hispanic? Yes
This discussion is part of a month-long celebration of “El mes de la herencia Hispana. Mi español… /Hispanic Heritage Month. My Spanish…”, an interactive exhibit displayed on the second floor Special Exhibits section of Atkins Library from September 15-October 15.
- Monday, October 3, 12:15 – 1:05 PM, COED 434 (Register)
Engage with CLAS at Dilworth Neighborhood Grille
Reconnect with your fellow College of Liberal Arts & Sciences alumni at the University’s Niner Nation Week Social, located at Dilworth Neighborhood Grille. It’s a great opportunity to engage with alums, eat some great food, and show your 49er pride. Wear your green to find the Niners!
- Wednesday, October 19, 7:00 – 9:00 PM, Dilworth Neighborhood Grille
Prenatal Genetic Testing, Abortion, and Disability Rights
The UNC Charlotte Health & Medical Humanities program presents an inaugural event, Prenatal Genetic Testing, Abortion, and Disability Rights (Oxford University Press), a book talk by Drs. Amber Knight and Joshua Miller, two professors at UNC Charlotte.
- Wednesday, October 19, 10:15 – 11:15 AM, CHHS 159 (Register)
Ageism: The Overlooked Intersection
The Gerontology Program is hosting nationally-recognized speaker Ashton Applewhite. The presentation is offered to raise awareness of this overlooked intersection of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI).
- Tuesday, October 25, 6:00 – 8:30 PM, McKnight Hall, Cone University Center (Register)
Dr. Bertha Maxwell-Roddey Distinguished Africana Lecture
The Department of Africana Studies is hosting keynote speaker Dr. Stephanie Y. Evans, Professor, Institute for Women’s, Gender, & Sexuality Studies, Georgia State University.
- Wednesday, October 26, 4:00 PM, McKnight Hall, Cone University Center (Register)
Memorial Procession for Dr. Larry Mellichamp
The UNC Charlotte Botanical Gardens will hold a memorial procession through the Van Landingham Glen in honor of Dr. Larry Mellichamp who passed away on September 12, 2022. Dr. Mellichamp retired in 2015, after over 39 years of leadership.
- Sunday, October 30, 2:00 PM, UNC Charlotte Botanical Gardens
The UNC Charlotte Botanical Gardens, including the McMillan Greenhouse, is always free to visit between sunrise and sunset. There is also an ongoing list of events, including some free events with preregistration.
The CLAS Alumni Council has an ongoing calendar of events for alumni of all ages.
Faculty News Council
Please visit the Faculty Governance website for the latest news from the Faculty Council including:
Dissertation Defense
The dissertation defense is one of the ways a new scholar demonstrates readiness to join the academy and is an opportunity to share their research widely. View All Dissertation Defense Announcements.
Latest AA News
For up-to-the-minute news from Academic Affairs (faculty awards, research, recognition, initiatives), visit the Academic Affairs Division News webpage.

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